“What If You Could Snap Your Fingers And Have


  1. Supplement Industry Insider Unearths SHOCKING Information
  1. And Reveals How to Boost Your Immune System WITHOUT Spending Hundreds On Worthless Supplements

“What If You Could Snap Your Fingers And Have


  1. Supplement Industry Insider Unearths SHOCKING Information
  1. And Reveals How to Boost Your Immune System WITHOUT Spending Hundreds On Worthless Supplements

“What If You Could Snap Your Fingers And Have


  1. Supplement Industry Insider Unearths SHOCKING Information
  1. And Reveals How to Boost Your Immune System WITHOUT Spending Hundreds On Worthless Supplements

Dear Friend,
What if you could snap your fingers and have a bulletproof immune system… wouldn’t that be an amazing superpower to have these days?

You’d sleep soundly at night. You’d skip through your day without a care in the world. Feeling protected and secure in this crazy world we live in.
Now, if you wanna get such results without blindlessly testing pricey supplements… then this is the most important message you’ll ever read.
Dear Friend,
What if you could snap your fingers and have a bulletproof immune system… wouldn’t that be an amazing superpower to have these days?

You’d sleep soundly at night. You’d skip through your day without a care in the world. Feeling protected and secure in this crazy world we live in.
Now, if you wanna get such results without blindlessly testing pricey supplements… then this is the most important message you’ll ever read.
Hi, my name is John Riedl. And after observing my and my family’s weak immune systems, I made a rash decision.

You see, I’ve always been a sickly child despite eating healthy and living in sunny California. And I got my biggest shock when I was diagnosed with low testosterone and Vitamin D once I turned 40. But luck was on my side this time…
My doctor suggested trying NATURAL supplements (not pharmaceuticals) before moving to creams or injections.
The supplements helped me. But, as I took them, I couldn’t help but think…
“Why do I have to take SO MANY different supplements?!
--- 6-7 bottles of vitamins and a dozen more to support my weak immune system?!
--- why am I spending so much when the results come in slowly or there are no results at all?!”


Hi, my name is John Riedl. And after observing my and my family’s weak immune systems, I made a rash decision.

You see, I’ve always been a sickly child despite eating healthy and living in sunny California. And I got my biggest shock when I was diagnosed with low testosterone and Vitamin D once I turned 40. But luck was on my side this time…
My doctor suggested trying NATURAL supplements (not pharmaceuticals) before moving to creams or injections.
The supplements helped me. But, as I took them, I couldn’t help but think…
“Why do I have to take SO MANY different supplements?!
--- 6-7 bottles of vitamins and a dozen more to support my weak immune system?!
--- why am I spending so much when the results come in slowly or there are no results at all?!”


My Family Suffered Disease After Disease

Mom had two shelves packed with medicine.
A bottle of this. A bottle of that. Spending thousands just to stay “somewhat” in shape. She was a teacher for 36 years and always brought in something from school; she was sick all the time. And even though she’s retired, she now has lupus and lymes disease.
Other family members weren’t in perfect condition either.
Dad had a heart attack… bypass surgery… and a few stents. For two decades, he’s been on heart and blood pressure medication.
Then, there’s grandma, who passed away with Alzheimer’s. Yet, the only diagnosis she got was that she was getting old.
There are other family members who struggle with health, but you get the picture.
Mom had two shelves packed with medicine.
A bottle of this. A bottle of that. Spending thousands just to stay “somewhat” in shape. She was a teacher for 36 years and always brought in something from school; she was sick all the time. And even though she’s retired, she now has lupus and lymes disease.
Other family members weren’t in perfect condition either.
Dad had a heart attack… bypass surgery… and a few stents. For two decades, he’s been on heart and blood pressure medication.
Then, there’s grandma, who passed away with Alzheimer’s. Yet, the only diagnosis she got was that she was getting old.
There are other family members who struggle with health, but you get the picture.

From a genetic standpoint, I didn't think there was much hope for me.
I couldn’t bear looking at my loved ones - deteriorating from life because of a failing immune system.
I couldn’t bear looking at myself either - being sick for a great part of the year. Missing days at work. Being unable to spend quality time with my kids because of my lack of energy and the fear of transmitting something to them.
Not even staying in nature for extended periods helped a lot.

By good luck, I’ve heard about epigenetics --- the study of how behavior affects the way our genes are expressed. Meaning, if I could change the nutrients that go into my body, I could potentially rewrite the destiny of my loved ones and myself.

It was enough for a start.

I dove headfirst into medical literature. Reading day and night, I discovered the world of holistic medicine.

What I Unearthed Shook Me To The Bone…

Fruits and vegetables grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the varieties most of us get today. Making it nearly impossible to get all necessary nutrients from food.

Modern intensive agricultural methods have stripped increasing amounts of nutrients from the soil in which the food we eat grows. Sadly, each successive generation of fast growing, pest-resistant fruits and vegetables is truly less nutritious than the one before.

What I Unearthed Shook Me To The Bone…

Fruits and vegetables grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the varieties most of us get today. Making it nearly impossible to get all necessary nutrients from food.

Modern intensive agricultural methods have stripped increasing amounts of nutrients from the soil in which the food we eat grows. Sadly, each successive generation of fast growing, pest-resistant fruits and vegetables is truly less nutritious than the one before.

A Kushi Institute analysis of nutrient data from 1975 to 1997 found that average calcium levels dropped 27%; iron levels 37%; vitamin A 21%; and vitamin C levels 30%. Keep in mind that the study ended before the start of the new millennium… just imagine those numbers today…
In Britain, the situation is dire as well. From 1930 to 1980 there was a 19% drop in calcium; 22% in iron; and 14% drop in potassium.
Yet another study concluded that we need to eat up to eight oranges today to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one...
A Kushi Institute analysis of nutrient data from 1975 to 1997 found that average calcium levels dropped 27%; iron levels 37%; vitamin A 21%; and vitamin C levels 30%. Keep in mind that the study ended before the start of the new millennium… just imagine those numbers today…
In Britain, the situation is dire as well. From 1930 to 1980 there was a 19% drop in calcium; 22% in iron; and 14% drop in potassium.
Yet another study concluded that we need to eat up to eight oranges today to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one...
Fortunately, many people realize this and start using health supplements. So, I was more concerned about what I unearthed about the whole supplement industry…
Every day: Analyzing supplements. Examining labels. Self-testing them.
There’s A LOT of variety in quality. Almost always, cheap and sometimes harmful fillers are added to supplements. Other times, the active ingredients are sub-par. Or, and this is my biggest shocker, expensive supplements have high-quality ingredients --- yet in such low doses they don’t have any effects.
The unguided user will burn hundreds on supplements without noticing any major improvements --- sometimes even getting negative side-effects.

Now, I have good news and bad news.

The bad news is that 87% of companies produce scam-plements. Instead of focusing on aiding you, they focus on maximizing profit. They combine sub-par ingredients with genius marketing strategies; nearly all big brands do it.
The good news is that after years of research, dozens of doctor collaborations, and helping thousands of people with my supplements - I devised a simple system on how to pick out superior products from mediocre ones (takes less than 2 minutes to learn).


There’s A LOT of variety in quality. Almost always, cheap and sometimes harmful fillers are added to supplements. Other times, the active ingredients are sub-par. Or, and this is my biggest shocker, expensive supplements have high-quality ingredients --- yet in such low doses they don’t have any effects.
The unguided user will burn hundreds on supplements without noticing any major improvements --- sometimes even getting negative side-effects.

Now, I have good news and bad news.

The bad news is that 87% of companies produce scam-plements. Instead of focusing on aiding you, they focus on maximizing profit. They combine sub-par ingredients with genius marketing strategies; nearly all big brands do it.
The good news is that after years of research, dozens of doctor collaborations, and helping thousands of people with my supplements - I devised a simple system on how to pick out superior products from mediocre ones (takes less than 2 minutes to learn).


Reading Labels For A Healthy Immune System?!
Yes, of course you know how to read product labels. But hear me out on these insider tricks to keep an eye on when picking your next supplement.
First, it’s unfortunate almost all supplements have tons of additives. On top of it, they also have other ingredients to fill up empty space in the capsule. Helping them maximize profits and make the job easier for both the brand and the manufacturer.
Keep An Eye On These “Ingredients”

I’ve outlined some of the most common fillers and excipients used in supplements - it’s not a complete list, so if you run across an unfamiliar ingredient, you may want to do some research.
It’s common practice for brands to list the fillers and additives in the ‘other ingredients’ section.
Before we start though, I’d like you to know supplements should have FAR FEWER ingredients in the ‘other ingredients’ section & they MUST HAVE quantities used of each ingredient in the ‘immune boosting blend’ section. Bear with me…


Cellulose is a popular binding and coating agent. It’s an organic compound found in the cell walls of plants. It’s great for vegan supplement manufacturers AND is a great bulking agent (takes a lot of space in the capsule without adding any extra calories). Cellulose is safe for human consumption, but totally unnecessary since we can’t absorb it.


Now, gelatin is NOT vegan-friendly as it’s usually derived from pigs and cows. It’s used for capsule coating and as a binding agent. Whilst it’s considered safe for humans, consuming high levels of it may cause gastrointestinal distress. Think twice before purchasing a supplement made with gelatin.


Stearic acid is a naturally occurring fatty acid found in meats, eggs, butter and even chocolate.
It’s a popular flowing agent because it helps ingredients readily flow through the manufacturing process without clumping or sticking to machinery. It’s often given a bad rap.



Magnesium stearate is another popular flow enhancer and binder. It’s made by combining magnesium with stearic acid. It’s arguably the most controversial of all the excipients listed here, and that’s thanks to one 1990 rat study.
The study was actually looking at stearic acid and claimed it suppressed T-cells in rats, a central part of the immune system. This reputation was also passed on to magnesium stearate. But subsequent research has indicated humans may not experience the same effect. The jury is still out on this one, so if it concerns you, you may want to avoid supplements with magnesium stearate.


Silicon dioxide’s ability to absorb moisture makes it a popular anti-caking agent and flow enhancer. It’s naturally found in sand, which may not sound like something you want to put into your body, but there’s no evidence to suggest that it reacts or interferes with anything inside your body.


Titanium dioxide is a popular whitening agent used to improve the look of supplements. It carries no other benefit, and it is considered possibly carcinogenic by the European Chemicals Agency and the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. It’s best to avoid supplements that contain it.


These ingredients are included to enhance the look and taste of supplements. The FDA considers them safe, but many independent organizations are less certain. There is some speculation that these ingredients may be harmful to the body, so it’s best to avoid them whenever possible.


I never understood why there are supplements that contain sugar (and there are many). Sugar is probably used as a filler and it’s often disguised as Fructooligosacharides on the label.

Supplements Contain Small, Ineffective Doses

Most studies have been undertaken with large doses of a particular ingredient. Meanwhile, most supplements on the market (even big brands) have tiny doses of these ingredients.

Vitamin D3

Most have very small doses of Vitamin D3 or they are completely missing it. Vitamin D3 balances the immune system, lowers the risk of infection and boosts respiratory function up to 42%. For everyone to reach stable Vitamin D3 levels in blood, the recommended daily dose is more than 2000 IU or 50mcg. Although, most supplements have doses ranging from 15-20mcg or they are completely missing it.

Magnesium, Selenium & Zinc

Most use cheaper versions to increase profit margins. These cheaper ingredients aren’t as nearly absorbable as their high-quality counterparts. Making us think we get healthy levels of these nutrients whilst our bodies have a shortage. Only stearated versions of zinc, magnesium, and selenium are well absorbed.

Vitamin D3

Most have very small doses of Vitamin D3 or they are completely missing it. Vitamin D3 balances the immune system, lowers the risk of infection and boosts respiratory function up to 42%. For everyone to reach stable Vitamin D3 levels in blood, the recommended daily dose is more than 2000 IU or 50mcg. Although, most supplements have doses ranging from 15-20mcg or they are completely missing it.

Magnesium, Selenium & Zinc

Most use cheaper versions to increase profit margins. These cheaper ingredients aren’t as nearly absorbable as their high-quality counterparts. Making us think we get healthy levels of these nutrients whilst our bodies have a shortage. Only stearated versions of zinc, magnesium, and selenium are well absorbed.

Vitamin D3

Most have very small doses of Vitamin D3 or they are completely missing it. Vitamin D3 balances the immune system, lowers the risk of infection and boosts respiratory function up to 42%. For everyone to reach stable Vitamin D3 levels in blood, the recommended daily dose is more than 2000 IU or 50mcg. Although, most supplements have doses ranging from 15-20mcg or they are completely missing it.

Magnesium, Selenium & Zinc

Most use cheaper versions to increase profit margins. These cheaper ingredients aren’t as nearly absorbable as their high-quality counterparts. Making us think we get healthy levels of these nutrients whilst our bodies have a shortage. Only stearated versions of zinc, magnesium, and selenium are well absorbed.

NAC (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine)

NAC helps with whole-body detox: helps protect the liver and kidney, it may improve psychiatric disorders and addictive behavior, helps relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions, boosts brain health, may improve fertility in both genders, may stabilize blood sugar, lessens oxidative damage thus lowering heart risk, and finally, it may boost the immune function by boosting glutathione levels.
NAC does A LOT. And big brands either don’t have it, or they have it just-enough quantities to market the product. Check it out for yourself - go on their sites and read the labels.

Powders vs. Extracts

Most supplement brands use powders - they sound more natural, are cheaper, but are NOT even closely as effective as extracts. A common example is everyone using elderberry powder or elderberry fruit instead of the MUCH MORE POWERFUL elderberry flower extract.

These might be tiny details, but they make a huge difference. After all, I’ve done this research for my family and myself… and I wanted the best for us.

A Common Marketing Trick In The Scam-plement Industry

Check out a label from a major brand. There’s almost always a section labeled “immune boosting blend.” It makes everything sound legit, but...
In this “blend” there are a bunch of ingredients listed --- WITHOUT any information about the quantities of each ingredient.
Now, why is it a marketing trick?
Well, since you can never know the quantity of the listed ingredients, you’d assume these guys have a special blend just for you! The reality is much grimmer though --- cheaper ingredients take the largest part of this “blend”. Meanwhile, there are only tiny doses of high-quality ingredients - NOT enough to see any improvements.

A Common Marketing Trick In The Scam-plement Industry

Check out a label from a major brand. There’s almost always a section labeled “immune boosting blend.” It makes everything sound legit, but...
In this “blend” there are a bunch of ingredients listed --- WITHOUT any information about the quantities of each ingredient.
Now, why is it a marketing trick?
Well, since you can never know the quantity of the listed ingredients, you’d assume these guys have a special blend just for you! The reality is much grimmer though --- cheaper ingredients take the largest part of this “blend”. Meanwhile, there are only tiny doses of high-quality ingredients - NOT enough to see any improvements.

A Common Marketing Trick In The Scam-plement Industry

Check out a label from a major brand. There’s almost always a section labeled “immune boosting blend.” It makes everything sound legit, but...
In this “blend” there are a bunch of ingredients listed --- WITHOUT any information about the quantities of each ingredient.
Now, why is it a marketing trick?
Well, since you can never know the quantity of the listed ingredients, you’d assume these guys have a special blend just for you! The reality is much grimmer though --- cheaper ingredients take the largest part of this “blend”. Meanwhile, there are only tiny doses of high-quality ingredients - NOT enough to see any improvements.

The Bottom Line

Not all fillers and excipients are harmful, but you don’t necessarily need them either. Usually they are used to have the machines running smoothly. But, they also take up space that could otherwise be used for the active ingredients.
Before purchasing a supplement, look closely at the label, particularly the ‘Other Ingredients’ section…

I Hated Paying Top Dollar Only To Get Fairy Dust Amounts of the Actual Nutrient

After testing dozens of supplements on my loved ones and myself we felt livelier. But I knew we could do much better…
I decided to create my own supplement. And as every story goes --- it was the hardest and virtually impossible thing to do.
“There are so many supplement manufacturers out there, they’ll make anything as long as you give them the formula”, you might be wondering

Not quite…

Remember the other ingredients section I was talking about?
Well, that’s where the flow agents, the fillers, and the additives are. And most manufacturers use these ingredients to make their machines go smoother - NOT to provide the best health benefits!

I Hated Paying Top Dollar Only To Get Fairy Dust Amounts of the Actual Nutrient

After testing dozens of supplements on my loved ones and myself we felt livelier. But I knew we could do much better…
I decided to create my own supplement. And as every story goes --- it was the hardest and virtually impossible thing to do.
“There are so many supplement manufacturers out there, they’ll make anything as long as you give them the formula”, you might be wondering

Not quite…

Remember the other ingredients section I was talking about?
Well, that’s where the flow agents, the fillers, and the additives are. And most manufacturers use these ingredients to make their machines go smoother - NOT to provide the best health benefits!
I travelled across the nation looking for a manufacturer that could make a supplement WITHOUT any of these ingredients.
--- I’ve never been rejected so many times before.
About a year in the development of my immune boosting supplement, things were starting to take shape.
--- I found a dedicated manufacturer capable of creating a premium quality product without charging exorbitant prices
--- Throughout that year, I combined 15 ingredients to provide the best possible boost to the immune system.

Instead of flow agents, I used turmeric. Packing additional anti-inflammatory power while making the manufacturing process smoother.


The only ingredient I had to include in the ‘other ingredients’ section was Hypromellose (a vegetable capsule & proven to be harmless for all)


First, I tested the product on myself.


My family came second.


After a year, I finally had a blend WITHOUT any unnecessary ingredients. And only with the high-absorbable versions and the right quantities of the needed ingredients.


… because when your life and the lives of your loved ones are at stake, you don’t want to cut any corners to increase profit margins.

I travelled across the nation looking for a manufacturer that could make a supplement WITHOUT any of these ingredients.
--- I’ve never been rejected so many times before.
About a year in the development of my immune boosting supplement, things were starting to take shape.
--- I found a dedicated manufacturer capable of creating a premium quality product without charging exorbitant prices
--- Throughout that year, I combined 15 ingredients to provide the best possible boost to the immune system.

Instead of flow agents, I used turmeric. Packing additional anti-inflammatory power while making the manufacturing process smoother.


The only ingredient I had to include in the ‘other ingredients’ section was Hypromellose (a vegetable capsule & proven to be harmless for all)


First, I tested the product on myself.


My family came second.


After a year, I finally had a blend WITHOUT any unnecessary ingredients. And only with the high-absorbable versions and the right quantities of the needed ingredients.


… because when your life and the lives of your loved ones are at stake, you don’t want to cut any corners to increase profit margins.

I travelled across the nation looking for a manufacturer that could make a supplement WITHOUT any of these ingredients.
--- I’ve never been rejected so many times before.
About a year in the development of my immune boosting supplement, things were starting to take shape.
--- I found a dedicated manufacturer capable of creating a premium quality product without charging exorbitant prices
--- Throughout that year, I combined 15 ingredients to provide the best possible boost to the immune system.

Instead of flow agents, I used turmeric. Packing additional anti-inflammatory power while making the manufacturing process smoother.


The only ingredient I had to include in the ‘other ingredients’ section was Hypromellose (a vegetable capsule & proven to be harmless for all)


First, I tested the product on myself.


My family came second.


After a year, I finally had a blend WITHOUT any unnecessary ingredients. And only with the high-absorbable versions and the right quantities of the needed ingredients.


… because when your life and the lives of your loved ones are at stake, you don’t want to cut any corners to increase profit margins.

I’d Like To Introduce You To…

I’d Like To Introduce You To…



The ONLY supplement on the market packing twice as much power as its nearest competitor.

--- WITHOUT any flow agents, fillers, or additives.

I’d Like To Introduce You To…


The ONLY supplement on the market packing twice as much power as its nearest competitor.

--- WITHOUT any flow agents, fillers, or additives.

TRU|IMMUNE Takes The Craziness Out Of These Crazy Times

As I mentioned, we’ve always been a chronically sick family. My mom brought in colds & flus from teaching at school. Dad picked up something from work... we just weren’t at our best.
Ever since we started using TruImmune, we haven’t got sick nearly as often!
The perfect blend of 15 ingredients (or 17 in the ‘Plus’ version) provides your immune system with EVERYTHING it needs to work at its best.
On top of that, TruImmune’s users have noticed when in a rare occasion they do get sick, they have a FAR FASTER recovery compared to their peers and their past selves.
TruImmune also takes care of your respiratory system --- crucial at the current state the world is in.

Stimulates Production Of Key Immune Cells

TruImmune’s powerful blend of 15 all-natural ingredients helps boost the amount of immune cells in your body – giving you long-lasting defenses against common respiratory and other concerns.

Enhances Effectiveness Of Key Immune Cells

Whether it’s against a simple cold or a nasty fever, TruImmune delivers the all-around protection your body needs to stay healthy, energetic, and strong against seasonal outbreaks.

Improves Recovery Time

TruImmunue’s unique blend of ingredients helps improve your recovery time, meaning you spend less time sick and more time doing what you love!

Strengthens Your Immune System

The powerful antioxidants inside TruImmune help shield you from pathogens and also gives your body the fuel it needs to fight off any “bodily intruders”–fast!

Stimulates Production Of Key Immune Cells

TruImmune’s powerful blend of 15 all-natural ingredients helps boost the amount of immune cells in your body – giving you long-lasting defenses against common respiratory and other concerns.

Enhances Effectiveness Of Key Immune Cells

Whether it’s against a simple cold or a nasty fever, TruImmune delivers the all-around protection your body needs to stay healthy, energetic, and strong against seasonal outbreaks.

Improves Recovery Time

TruImmunue’s unique blend of ingredients helps improve your recovery time, meaning you spend less time sick and more time doing what you love!

Strengthens Your Immune System

The powerful antioxidants inside TruImmune help shield you from pathogens and also gives your body the fuel it needs to fight off any “bodily intruders”–fast!

Why Getting THESE 15 INGREDIENTS Transforms Your Immune System

Aged Odorless Garlic Bulb Allium Sativum Extract (AGE)
Aged garlic extract is a superb source of s-allylcysteine, a unique amino acid that’s cultivated almost exclusively through aging of garlic bulbs. Clinical research from the University of Florida has shown that subjects given AGE daily for 90 days reported significantly reduced cold and flu severity and fewer missed days from work/school due to illness. They also had higher levels of natural killer cells and specialized T cells.
Elderberry Sambucus Nigra Flower Extract
Sambucus nigra is arguably the most thoroughly studied immune-boosting herb. This plant yields berry fruits (elderberries) and flowers (elderflowers) that are packed with antioxidant polyphenols shown to support a healthy inflammatory response by inhibiting nitric oxide (NO) production in certain immune system components, specifically macrophages and monocytes.


Olive Leaf Olea Europaea Extract
Olive (Olea europaea) leaf extract is a rich source of antioxidant polyphenols - especially oleuropein - which appear to be responsible for the cardiovascular and immune-boosting benefits of the Mediterranean diet. A recent study also found that olive leaf extract significantly increased production of absolute CD8+ and natural killer cells, both of which are key players in innate immune response.


Siberian Ginseng Eleuthero Root
Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is a woody shrub that has been used in herbal medicine for centuries to treat colds and flus. Recent evidence suggests that the roots of this plant contain compounds that promote macrophage targeting of foreign bacteria (e.g. E. coli) and increase the expression of anti-inflammatory molecules.
Echinacea Purpurea Extract
Known as “Mother Nature’s immune enhancer,” Echinacea purpurea has been shown in multiple clinical trials to significantly improve recovery time and lessen the symptoms from colds and other upper respiratory infections (especially when taken as soon as symptoms become apparent).
Turmeric Root Extract
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) has been used for millennia in traditional medicine throughout Asia due to its abundant profile of curcuminoids. These natural phenols work to rid the body of noxious substances and toxins that erode the integrity of the immune system.


<< See More >>

Why Getting THESE 15 INGREDIENTS Transforms Your Immune System

Aged Odorless Garlic Bulb Allium Sativum Extract (AGE)
Aged garlic extract is a superb source of s-allylcysteine, a unique amino acid that’s cultivated almost exclusively through aging of garlic bulbs. Clinical research from the University of Florida has shown that subjects given AGE daily for 90 days reported significantly reduced cold and flu severity and fewer missed days from work/school due to illness. They also had higher levels of natural killer cells and specialized T cells.
Elderberry Sambucus Nigra Flower Extract
Sambucus nigra is arguably the most thoroughly studied immune-boosting herb. This plant yields berry fruits (elderberries) and flowers (elderflowers) that are packed with antioxidant polyphenols shown to support a healthy inflammatory response by inhibiting nitric oxide (NO) production in certain immune system components, specifically macrophages and monocytes.


Olive Leaf Olea Europaea Extract
Olive (Olea europaea) leaf extract is a rich source of antioxidant polyphenols - especially oleuropein - which appear to be responsible for the cardiovascular and immune-boosting benefits of the Mediterranean diet. A recent study also found that olive leaf extract significantly increased production of absolute CD8+ and natural killer cells, both of which are key players in innate immune response.


Siberian Ginseng Eleuthero Root
Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is a woody shrub that has been used in herbal medicine for centuries to treat colds and flus. Recent evidence suggests that the roots of this plant contain compounds that promote macrophage targeting of foreign bacteria (e.g. E. coli) and increase the expression of anti-inflammatory molecules.
Echinacea Purpurea Extract
Known as “Mother Nature’s immune enhancer,” Echinacea purpurea has been shown in multiple clinical trials to significantly improve recovery time and lessen the symptoms from colds and other upper respiratory infections (especially when taken as soon as symptoms become apparent).
Turmeric Root Extract
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) has been used for millennia in traditional medicine throughout Asia due to its abundant profile of curcuminoids. These natural phenols work to rid the body of noxious substances and toxins that erode the integrity of the immune system.


<< See More >>


Works Better Than Other Immune Boosting Supplements

For a start, TruImmune does NOT have any fillers or artificial flow agents. As a result, our capsules pack twice the potency compared to our competitors. Then, the immune boosting nutrient doses are on average 39.4% higher compared to big supplement brands.

Potency is not the only thing that differentiates us though:


TruImmune has Vitamin C as Calcium Ascorbate - hard-to-find form of this vitamin with the best bioavailability


TruImmune has chelated versions of magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Providing superior absorption compared to the market common non-chelated versions.


TruImmune has NAC (try finding that in other “immune boosting” supplements!)


Works Better Than Other Immune Boosting Supplements

For a start, TruImmune does NOT have any fillers or artificial flow agents. As a result, our capsules pack twice the potency compared to our competitors. Then, the immune boosting nutrient doses are on average 39.4% higher compared to big supplement brands.

Potency is not the only thing that differentiates us though:


TruImmune has Vitamin C as Calcium Ascorbate - hard-to-find form of this vitamin with the best bioavailability


TruImmune has chelated versions of magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Providing superior absorption compared to the market common non-chelated versions.


TruImmune has NAC (try finding that in other “immune boosting” supplements!)

We are COMPLETELY TRANSPARENT about what ingredients we use and how much of them we use. We proudly display our formula with the EXACT quantities. So, feel free to copy it and make the supplement for yourself. We want you to feel great.

We are COMPLETELY TRANSPARENT about what ingredients we use and how much of them we use. We proudly display our formula with the EXACT quantities. So, feel free to copy it and make the supplement for yourself. We want you to feel great.

The Most Potent, Complete, First FULL SPECTRUM Immune Boosting Formula Created

TRU | IMMUNE is a complete formula that includes naturally-derived forms of 15 key immune boosting nutrients from around the world (17 nutrients in the “Plus” version, more on that later).

Not only that there are no synthetic additives or preservatives in our formula, but the formula is one of the few in the market that is free of any fillers or artificial flowing agents.
It’s the most potent and most effective immune boosting formula you’ll ever find. Period.
(the thing is, you can check that out on your own now when you have the skills to examine labels like a pro. Go on and compare them with TruImmune)


The Most Potent, Complete, First FULL SPECTRUM Immune Boosting Formula Created

TRU | IMMUNE is a complete formula that includes naturally-derived forms of 15 key immune boosting nutrients from around the world (17 nutrients in the “Plus” version, more on that later).

Not only that there are no synthetic additives or preservatives in our formula, but the formula is one of the few in the market that is free of any fillers or artificial flowing agents.
It’s the most potent and most effective immune boosting formula you’ll ever find. Period.
(the thing is, you can check that out on your own now when you have the skills to examine labels like a pro. Go on and compare them with TruImmune)


The Most Potent, Complete, First FULL SPECTRUM Immune Boosting Formula Created

TRU | IMMUNE is a complete formula that includes naturally-derived forms of 15 key immune boosting nutrients from around the world (17 nutrients in the “Plus” version, more on that later).

Not only that there are no synthetic additives or preservatives in our formula, but the formula is one of the few in the market that is free of any fillers or artificial flowing agents.
It’s the most potent and most effective immune boosting formula you’ll ever find. Period.
(the thing is, you can check that out on your own now when you have the skills to examine labels like a pro. Go on and compare them with TruImmune)


Vitamin D3 Missing

Small Dose

Property Blend

Why People Choose


Why People Choose TRU | IMMUNE?

“I’ve been able to maintain a healthy body and stay sickness free”

- Resa Mishina

“I highly recommend checking it out”

- Courtney Wilson

“I don’t feel as exhausted or sick anymore”

- Odessa Copney

“I started feeling better so quickly that I can’t recommend it enough”

- Kimberly Immanuel

“It keeps me feeling AMAZING in my busy life”

- Lauren Garriott

Why People Choose


“I’ve been able to maintain a healthy body and stay sickness free”

- Resa Mishina

“I highly recommend checking it out”

- Courtney Wilson

“I don’t feel as exhausted or sick anymore”

- Odessa Copney

“I started feeling better so quickly that I can’t recommend it enough”

- Kimberly Immanuel

“It keeps me feeling AMAZING in my busy life”

- Lauren Garriott

Doctors Approve

“Doesn’t only help to boost the immune system, but also to decrease inflammation”
Dr. Kasey Nichols NMD
“I started feeling better within the same day of taking it the first time”
Dr. Stephanie Nichols NMD

Doctors Approve

“Doesn’t only help to boost the immune system, but also to decrease inflammation”
Dr. Kasey Nichols NMD
“I started feeling better within the same day of taking it the first time”
Dr. Stephanie Nichols NMD

Doctors Approve

“Doesn’t only help to boost the immune system, but also to decrease inflammation”
Dr. Kasey Nichols NMD
“I started feeling better within the same day of taking it the first time”
Dr. Stephanie Nichols NMD

So You’re Probably Wondering How Much
| IMMUNE Costs...

Well… if we were competing with the big boys who just want your money, we could easily be charging 100s for a single bottle of TruImmune. But we’re not.
We want to help as many people as possible take control of their immune system. To help YOU get out of the scam-plement rut.

Starter Value

Buy 1 Bottle

Retail Price : $67.00


Total : $39.00

You Save: $28

Best Value

Buy 6 Bottles

Retail Price : $402.00


Total : $144.00

You Save: $258

Starter Value

Buy 3 Bottles

Retail Price : $201.00


Total : $90.00

You Save: $111

We Unconditionally Guarantee

TRU | MMUNE for 365 Days


We understand you might be skeptical. How could only 15 ingredients help you have a superhuman immune system?


You’ve seen the research.


TruImmune works. And by the time you read this, it has already changed the lives of my family and thousands of others.


In a highly unlikely event you’re not blown away, we refuse to keep even a penny of your money.


Just contact us, let us know where we could be better, and we’ll refund every penny you paid, even the shipping cost. As a cherry on top, we’ll also buy you a healthy meal.

So You’re Probably Wondering How Much
| IMMUNE Costs...

Well… if we were competing with the big boys who just want your money, we could easily be charging 100s for a single bottle of TruImmune. But we’re not.
We want to help as many people as possible take control of their immune system. To help YOU get out of the scam-plement rut.

Starter Value

Buy 1 Bottle

Retail Price : $62.97


You Save: $28

Best Value

Buy 6 Bottles

Retail Price : $407.82


Total : $149.82

You Save: $258

Starter Value

Buy 3 Bottles

Retail Price : $200.91


Total : $89.91

You Save: $111

We Unconditionally Guarantee

TRU | MMUNE for 365 Days


We understand you might be skeptical. How could only 15 ingredients help you have a superhuman immune system?


You’ve seen the research.


TruImmune works. And by the time you read this, it has already changed the lives of my family and thousands of others.


In a highly unlikely event you’re not blown away, we refuse to keep even a penny of your money.


Just contact us, let us know where we could be better, and we’ll refund every penny you paid, even the shipping cost. As a cherry on top, we’ll also buy you a healthy meal.

Do You Want to Snap Your Fingers And Have

A Bulletproof Immune System?

Or, do you want to continue struggling with the flu and sicknesses?


… be unable to enjoy the best moments because of a lack of energy?


… and travel around the world looking for these immune boosting ingredients?


If not, check out TruImmune. Try it for a year. See if it works for you. After all, what do you have to lose?

John Riedl,

co-founder of TruSigma

Do You Want to Snap Your Fingers And Have

A Bulletproof Immune System?

Or, do you want to continue struggling with the flu and sicknesses?


… be unable to enjoy the best moments because of a lack of energy?


… and travel around the world looking for these immune boosting ingredients?


If not, check out TruImmune. Try it for a year. See if it works for you. After all, what do you have to lose?

John Riedl,

co-founder of TruSigma

Do You Want to Snap Your Fingers And Have

A Bulletproof Immune System?

Or, do you want to continue struggling with the flu and sicknesses?

… be unable to enjoy the best moments because of a lack of energy?

… and travel around the world looking for these immune boosting ingredients?

If not, check out TruImmune. Try it for a year. See if it works for you. After all, what do you have to lose?

John Riedl,

co-founder of TruSigma

P. S. And for the most health conscious of you, there’s a Plus version of TruImmune. Containing all the ingredients from the basic version, with additional 2 ingredients virtually impossible to find in other supplements. The Plus version has:


Larch Arabinogalactan


Larch arabinogalactan is a distinct prebiotic fiber found in larch trees and a potent mediator of antibody response to invasive health challenges. Since Upwards of 60% the immune system derives from the gut, nourishing the “friendly” microbes with larch arabinogalactan is one of the best ways to support the foundation of your immune system.




Beta-glucan is a naturally occurring polysaccharide found in reishi mushrooms. Clinical studies consistently demonstrate that supplementing with beta-glucan supports both innate and adaptive immune function, thereby reducing the severity and duration of cold and upper respiratory tract infection symptoms by as much as 60%.

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